Einkehren. Genießen. Verweilen. Unsere offen gestaltete Brauerei kannst du von Montag – Samstag von 8 – 19 Uhr jederzeit und ohne Voranmeldung auf eigene Faust erkunden. In unserem Innen- und Außenbereich bieten wir zahlreiche schattige sowie sonnige Sitzplätze. Starte gut in den Tag mit einem Frühstück aus unserer hauseigenen Bio-Bäckerei, stärke dich mittags mit einem kleinen Snack, genieße unsere hausgemachten Kuchen und belohne dich abends mit einem frisch gezapften Bier an unserer Theke – 20 verschiedene Bierspezialitäten vom Fass.
Age-old brewing tradition with the right dose of innovation – the Camba brews the right beer for every taste, from the classic light beer to the hoppy IPA. International beer styles such as ales and stouts, traditional classics such as pale and wheat beer, as well as our barrel-aged specialties are brewed according to all the rules of brewing art.
With Camba you don't just pour yourself a beer. It is the love of the craft of brewing, the desire to discover and a unique landscape characterized by diverse nature and culture that make every Camba a special taste experience: a beer with character.
“Camba Bavaria” was originally founded in 2008 as a showroom for the brewing equipment manufacturer BrauKon in Truchtlaching. In the old mill on the banks of the Alz, founder Markus Lohner wanted to show customers from all over the world how his brewing systems worked and the variety of beers they could brew with them. With success: the test beers were tasty and “Camba Bavaria” developed into a pioneer in the beer industry with a diverse range of traditional and international beers.